Saturday, June 22, 2019

Nurse Practitioner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nurse Practitioner - Essay ExampleThis entails following up on my patients well being, as per the clinical guidelines (Hollier, A., & Hensley, 2011). This image pass on display the dedication I have towards wellness promotion, disease prevention and treatment, as engagementing in a clinic saddle horse is my passion.The type of organization I expect to practice my nursing profession is a clinical setting. A clinic setting is a health care speediness that is focused on the health of patients, with intent of serving the community. The clinic provides a variety of health care services and treatment.It is essential to have clinical experience so as to work in a clinical organization. In order to obtain clinical experience, I have learnt that I have to be knotty and dedicated in the health care center. My education as a nursing professional has sharpened my clinical skills, thus giving me a go on to practice clinical medicine that is to help the doctor when examining a patient. As a registered FNP, I will perform duties like physical examinations to patients, obtain health histories, diagnosis, and to prescribe treatment aimed in improving the patients conditions. Moreover, I will also perform functional, development, and psychosocial assessment (Wyckoff et al., 2009). This means that at times I will work together with a doctor, and at other times completely independent of a doctor. As an Independent and advanced nurse practitioner, I purpose to accompany up with perfect solutions for my future workforce. Thus, I will promote the best health care practices and service (Hollier & Hensley, 2011).The Florida Board of Nursing will swan my role in the clinical setting that I expect to work. This is based on the fact that this board will license my nursing profession. The board will support my role of nursing in the clinical organization by ascertaining that I am a qualified medical practitioner with the appropriate skills that are required. It will

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